The Now…Fasting at Buchinger Wilhelmi

My husband and I have either read about or personally tried (informally) the various forms of fasting currently being written about on the Internet. For him it was a chance to treat his diabetes and for me it was to support him on his journey and to help improve my overall well-being. We have known about Buchinger Wilhelmi for a few years with its’ long standing history in the fasting world, however there was never enough time off from work to attend. And more importantly for my husband, there wasn’t enough science to feel comfortable moving forward with such protocol.

Fast forward to August 2018 and here we are in Überlingen, Germany fasting at Buchinger Wilhelmi for 28 days. This certainly has not come close to our experience water fasting at home for 3-5 days. Here, we are served tea with honey in the room every morning after the visit with the nurse then there are various classes or massages to experience. Midday we have a soup or juice, immediately followed by a warm water liver compress which is amazing by the way. (Everybody needs to experience the liver compress at least once!) Then tea served in your room again around 2 pm with more time for exploration or maybe partake in an art workshop and then soup at night. (Please keep in mind it isn’t all glamorous as there is glauber salt to drink to prep you for fasting and enemas which begin on Day 3 and continue every other day until the end.) Honestly, I wake up cringing every other morning, but it does get..actually no, it really doesn’t get better.

During the limited down time (Yes you can be very busy here!) I have started this blog and will continue to write about the various topics that I have run across or continue to run across! Auf Wiedersehen!

Author: mpao

Hi there! My name is Marsha Kumi Pao, and I’m a home cook from the Pacific Northwest. Through my videos and blog, I hope to bring you easy, accessible, and tasty recipes that embody my upbringing as a Japanese-American. These recipes are ones that I’ve grown up on and adopted—merging the tastes of my family’s intergenerational and intercultural cuisine

2 thoughts on “The Now…Fasting at Buchinger Wilhelmi”

    1. Hi Trudy! Yes, it was a little strange to be away for such a long time but it was quite the learning experience! Stephen and I hope to take the girls at some point because it is such an important tool to have in life.

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